as the title suggests. I gave 5 wet room trays to do. 3 are 1700 x 800mm and 2 are 2m x 1.8m!
They are all on the first floor and are on solid ( block and beam ) floor. The sections for the trays has been formed and the rooms are screeded. The gaps for the trays are unscreeded with 50mm kingspan. This leaves 60mm of make up.
The customer wants long linear drains, no wet room formers come with anything longer than 600mm. So one option is to fit 1200mm drain formers, screed the floor to falls and when the screed is dry, tank it out with ardex wp. Problem is that it will take weeks to dry.
Second option is to install the same drain, remove the insulation, screed 50mm over the block and beam, then make my own trays from 50mm construction board. This will be installed with flexi adhesive underneath and to the joins. Tape the joints and tank the lot. This can then be tiled a day after the adhesive has set.
Any other ideas?