There are products that can stick tile to pretty much anything, but Silicon instead of adhesive and sealer to act as a waterproof barrier just isn't the way to go.
Tiles are there for easy cleaning and for their looks, and shouldn't be treated as a waterproof barrier. If you want to waterproof and area of a room, or a room, you do that before tiling and then the adhesive and grout (that will absorb water) are only holding the tiles on, it allows water to pass through the products but never break them down (causing failure).
What you've done there is use products sensitive to water, to try and waterproof an area. It was set to fail on day one.
The fact it was a maul to do only suggests it should have been done right the first time as I'm sure I'm telling you to suck eggs when I say spending time attempting to repair it, several times, is just costing a lot more time than it would have taken to do it right the first time.
You need to get the failed tiles up fully, clean them up, clean the substrate up, use the right products, and re-tile the area. And then seal it if required only to seal the tile surface for the required effect the customer wants. And you need to use a proper marble sealer product from a proper sealer company.
Not too sure what you wanted us to say mate to be honest.
Thanks Dan
Yep- I'd like to use the correct products. This is costing me buckets loads.
Following your post I appreciate that I was expecting too much and should have said no when asked to do it (given my limited experience). The fact remains that I have 4 strips of marble sitting on a bath. Are you able to recommend suitable products or are you saying that it is impossible to have a marbled top bath that will be subjected to water?
I know that no product is 100% waterproof but stoopibly though that sealed marble would be showerproof.