Discuss mates bathroom done in the Bathroom Tiling Advice area at TilersForums.com.



Well iv tiled the walls and done the mosiacs(stress).Iv just to grout now.Iv notice 1 tile is not as flush to meeting the others.I wanted to re-do.but the tiles are well stuck down.Any hints how to get it out with out disturbing or chipping the others.bit gutted really,i told him to fix on the shower screen after i had tiled would look better finish all round.but hey it was bolted in when i got their.so just tiled up to it. finish dosent look as good as it could of been on that bit.hes happy so i carnt complain really.


cheers for the help.had a phone call to day.hes not happy with the mosiac splash back.i have layed mosiacs on the window sills which are o.k.the thing is the sink runs 1/4 under the window sill.so what id did was keep the lines running down the splash back from the window sill.I said to him before hand a 4 coarse of mosiacs fom sink to window sill will look o.k.but wanted full sheet high from sink.So 3/4 is about 10 coarse and the 1/4 running under the sink is 4 coarse up to window sill mosiacs all running in line plus he didnt want them running over the sink edges wanted them flush.Their was some big time messing to get it right because it wasnt full tile to full tile at the edge of the sink.1 is full and 1 mosiac is half.Same on the window sill.but that was the only way to keep the lines running and how they wanted it.I said wait till its grouted and it will look better.But if hes change his mind then when i take the splash back of the window sill wont look right.thing is i have done this dirt cheap for him and if hes wanting something else doing with the splash back then thats more time.I havent got the time to be doing any more work to it.Hope makes sence.
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