Discuss Merry Christmas From Antonio! in the Australia Tiling Forum area at TilersForums.com.

Hello everyone, October 2, 2015, a date I will remember, is the day I joined the forum.
like every year, I look at equipment that I bought during the year and see the best purchase of the year ......
But this year the best (purchase) I did not choose! ...... It has been getting to know the members of this forum.
I want to be honest with you, the first day I said, but these are still primitive tilers !!!! You tile on to timber (I never have!), use tiles 150 X 75mm
(I never have) just like back in the 1950's ....
But then day after day I discovered many other things, things that today are not regarded in Italy as important!
Either because these practises are too expensive or because here in italy in 1950 remain and not considered important anymore.
But they are important!
Then I began to ask questions and ask why, why do you do these things? etc.
I thought I was a capable tiler, certainly capable enough!
But I found myself a student of these crazy English .... :) and I found myself being educated.
Unfortunately, the language sometimes does not let us communicate, or is mistranslated (bastard google) and this creates a major handicap.
After all this I conclude with thanks to all of you members that I have been accepted into this forum,
I want to thank especially Marc @ 3_fall that helped me a lot at the beginning and still helps me when I have problems.
I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas,
to you and your families and is a 2016 splits tiles.

Thanks to you all,

This message has been corrected by marc, because I wanted everyone to be able to read it, so blame Marc if I wrote something that does not fit :)
and recorrect me, because Mark does not know English :)


I want to thank everyone, very kind.
I do not answer at all because marc @3_fall then tells me I'm chatterbox and I always win TPOM.

Thanks again
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