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tiler burden


i am a newbie tiler. i am a plasterer by trade and i wanted to expand into tiling. i am going on a tiling course in newcastle and i was wondering how many meters a decent tiler can cover in a day. i wont be doing site work, just domestic..i am quite versatile and adapt so how long should it take me to get to a decent standard.

just some averages will do please, thanks

tiler burden😱
Flooring I've seen tilers lay a good 30 meters in a day, but then come back to grout. Walling about 15-20 if it's your average bathroom, kitchens maybe a little less. That's a little quicker than myself though to be fair, remember it's quality not quantity. 🙂

I bet the difference is big though between the slowest tiler we can find and the fastest.

i agree. its the same with plastering, if u can do 70 meters , then superboy can do 100m...its the same with day rates...100 per day, the bottom end. 150 a day a realistic ammount, 200 per day if you are set up well and hungry. 300 a one off, everything goes well, late night....

is this the same kinda rates for tiling??? ps im in north west
Done 38 last sat round a staircase (hallway is 74 in total). Bearing in mind i was laying around the staircase and tiling in four directions with a 3mm tolerance! Spent a lot of time measuring, if just laying in open spaces you could easy lay 40 to 50 per shift once you get your confidence up. Walls, depends on tile size, how good your walls are etc etc. If everthings going your way then 15 to 20 per shift. Its all down to area and cuts, thats what takes the time!
thanks trevortine,

you obviously are experienced and know your stuff, thanks for taking the time to answer my thread...

i mentioned the above day rates where plstering is concerned, is tiling similar. i understand its what you get done (meters) that denotes how much you will earn but is 150 a day a realistic ammount when you get going??

To start with, aim at about £100 per day, and then as you get quicker, you can be earning more. To tile at a comfortable rate with your breaks and lunchtimes etc, then look at £120-£150 per day.

But it all depends on the job. You have to consider cuts and obstacles, which can slow you down quite a lot.

Sometimes its better to offer a d ay rate for a job, than to measure.


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