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tiler tom

Come on lets face it a person who does not make mistakes has not worked so lets here about some and find out how you managed to get out of it if at all.

I will start the ball rolling with setting out. Some time ago I measured and quoted to tile a bathroom not knowing the size of tile only that it was ceramic and that the tiles were to be ordered. It required 6 linear metres of border as it was taking in a window.
I started the job today and as they were havig a bath wall skimmed and a plumber to do the shower I set about removing existing and tiling the sound walls. As I only had a small range for the border to fall within the window at waist height I could only set out with the border more like shoulder height or so I thought. I asked the customer if she was ok with this as I told her there were problems otherwise and she gave me the go ahead. It was only when I tiled around to the second wall that I realised I could have dropped the datum 50mm and placed the border a tile below. During tiling the customer questioned if it was usual for the border to be at that height so I blagged her that it was not unknow for the border to be at that height and I was governed by the window and shower which she seemed to buy. The husband has to see it yet so I don't know if he will question it as well.
I cut tiles to go behind a toilet. Every thing look fine and dandy until you stood 20' back in the hallway, you could see where they had been cut. Customer wasn't too impressed initially, but I did a doozie of a job cutting tiles to fill the gap (on a slight angle, I may add) to such a fine tolarance that the join was all but invisible.

Customer was delighted and gave me referrals.

Since starting this thread there have been 32 views and only one post so you lot are perfect eh. Yeah right! :icon_bs:
my first wall job!
everything was going well, getting on with it quite quick, then i was going around the window,inside,trims all looked sweet as a nut!
i stepped back to admire my work once all finished, only grouting out to be done!
to my HORROR i put a FULL TILE around the one side of the window instead of half tile, all the grout lines was out..... i can laugh about it today, i was :furious3: then thou!
I was doing a bathroom with a mosaic border, tiled the first full window wall, stood back to admire it, then realised I'd forgot to put in the mosaic border :grin:

Half the wall tiles quickly off, cut n stuck the border in and then retiled the upper half ahgain, then the customer came in to have a nosey "phew"
I was tiling 2 bathrooms in a house on site... tiled one and then went to start on the next, just as the site manager came in...he looked at the first room and said nice tiling dave.. just have one problem.. i said what?.. he said wrong tiles they should be in the room your just about to start...ffs i said.. he said just leave it we chose them not customer so it doesnt matter..imagine if it was a customer.:furious3: ...that was a while back now...still laff at it know tho.....
My very forst job was a kitchen, 10 x 10 tiles, worktop to ceiling. Took me 8 days to do, last day of tiling and the customers were not there as they had gone on holiday (paid me the day before). To my horror on the final wall (small part behind the fridge) when the tiles met the grout lines were about an inch out. Customer had a new fridge that was boxed up that they intended to put in after the tiling was done. Unpacked it and threw it in to hide the tiles behind, left a not saying i hope they dont mind but put the fridge in to save them work. Phoned me the next week to thank me for the tiling and putting the fridge in for them. Just hope they never buy a new fridge and see behind it 🙂

Went out and bought a laser level the very next day


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