Moleanos Tiles Looking Stained afterfitting 6 weeks ago

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Hi Jonny, How are you, the builder has cleaned the tiles and a lot of the stains have been removed but there are still some stains on the edges, any ideas on how to remove these? Stains on tile edge.jpg
think it needs a bit more elbow work on cleaning front.
massive difference to what tiles looked like before.they are getting there and i think its only a matter of more labour needed
as to tile joint offset, i guess its each to your own taste.( as the french say quite eloquently i think : chacun a son gout .this does not mean that is a correct way just the best way you see it!!
i would normally offset by min 100mm, and if you start to get a stepping effect you simply set the next course joint more than 60% over centre line joint of previous tile . this reverses the step jointing in other direction. but this is not why you posted, hence i have not brought this up.
nybor is right in his observation.
Hi Jonny,
How are you, thanks for the feedback. I had asked for the tiles to be cleaned again before the builders went on holiday 2 weeks ago (they came back yesterday), no action from them yesterday so will be discussing this with them today to get them back for the second clean. Do they need to use a stronger solution? and more elbow work...


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