got the mini piuma 26p today, very good little cutter. going down to see colin from kwik split on thursday for a demo on all the montolit brooklyn bridge cutters, no doubt i'll be helping the retail economy ;0)
got the mini piuma 26p today, very good little cutter. going down to see colin from kwik split on thursday for a demo on all the montolit brooklyn bridge cutters, no doubt i'll be helping the retail economy ;0)
Colin sorted me out with mine,
going very well,helped me on a big job yesterday-42m2 of 150x150 Dorset stone pilkingtons!!! what a long day!! was there to 1am grouting !!!
all finished though so great day but big challenge,my helper was busy and loved the mini monto!!!
got the mini piuma 26p today, very good little cutter. going down to see colin from kwik split on thursday for a demo on all the montolit brooklyn bridge cutters, no doubt i'll be helping the retail economy ;0)
The montolit bridge cutters are made by Raimondi, you would be better looking at their new aluminium range they are the muts nuts, the Zoe and the Picus. The Brooklin is a direct drive spend the money once and get a belt drive you will not regret it and it will do you for life. Again these are the best on the market imo.
I totally agree Montolit are the dogs danglies. The montolit bridge cutter is brilliant and excellent value for money and was my first choice. The only problem I had with the Montolit and the Rubis was the weight if you are on your tod and have to get it anywhere. Thats why I purchased the Norton