my plas plug master tiler died today after months of patching it up I decided to get a new one...
this little cutter is what I call my every day cutter, just right for small bathrooms or kitchen, it didn't spray water every where so was safe to use indoors, so I need a replacement, that's dose the same... looking at ...another plas plug, a vitrex or a biriconella....probs spelt wrong but you know what I mean.....any other suggestions..? or which would you recommend....cheers.
this little cutter is what I call my every day cutter, just right for small bathrooms or kitchen, it didn't spray water every where so was safe to use indoors, so I need a replacement, that's dose the same... looking at ...another plas plug, a vitrex or a biriconella....probs spelt wrong but you know what I mean.....any other suggestions..? or which would you recommend....cheers.