just done my website, did it by myself from 'mrsite ,web site in a box', very easy to do.
what do you think?
Hi, just had a nosey, and it all looks fine, and well done for creating your own website, exciting isn't it...?
Thought you should know that on my screen using internet explorer (100% screen view size) your phone numbers overlap each other on two pages, so are hard to read as if the line spacing wasn't quite sorted. The moving of positions between different browsers etc is quite common - perhaps your programm has got a help section where it explains how you can make sure it doesn't happen anywhee else?
Also I'd get rid of the big 'HOME' word on your home page, on my screen it's on the left of the grey bar and looks HUGE and unnecessary as you only have a few pages. AND, I'd change the font from comic sans or similar to a more 'expensive, 'serious' business minded looking font, CS comes across as friendly which I am sure you wanted to achieve, but a bit too much as if you weren't taking your business seriously, which obviously you are judging by your values and your work pictured.
Alrighty..that's it. Hope you're not sorry now you asked...