Discuss my nice private message of tilsley in the Australia Tiling Forum area at TilersForums.com.


"Your posts are farcical. You claim there is no need to tank plasterboard in a shower before tiling. British Gypsum don't even recommend plasterboard (you know, THEIR product) be used in showers! Look at their website and see for yourself. You cowboy idiot.

Oh no, wait. Because you've "been doing it this way for 40 years" that means you must be right.

Then you ask "what fire regulations". Jesus Christ. You're unfit to be doing ANY work in people's houses. You have no idea what the basic building regulations and water regulations state. You're a disgrace. A joke mate.

FYI, you have to have a continuous line of board adhesive the entire width of all boards up by the ceiling. This is to prevent fire developing on the backside of the board and spreading upstairs. Fire needs two things in order to spread: a source of fuel (such as the paper from plasterboard) and oxygen.

You'd know if you ever spent a day in your life.

Best thing you can do pal is keep your mouth shut, because by posting your idiotic, ignorant dross, you're just proving to other tilers, and customers, that you're a proper rogue trader and moron.

That's all."

well,ive just had a nice message off tilsley saying i am a cowbow,read above,so i thought id post it in the open forum.
soooo lets to to your point 1

plasterboard has been used for decades in showers ,tiled on with tubbed addy or cement addy,with no problems by myself,yes some have failed (not mine)but some aint.if water gets behind tiles the tanking will stop it destroying the backboard,but it won't stop it deteriorating the addy and ruining the tiling.how many showers,domestic or commercial changing rooms have been tiled over the decades without tanking and NOT failed:yikes:
it is quite new that british gypsum have said 'don't use plasterboard in showers,or the world will end' ,they did not say it in the 80s or 90s,not sure about the 2000s,but i think plasterboard was still recommended in domestic showers.
as i stated ,i said tanking is there for a secondery defence against water ingress,but as i also said,if its done right there won't be a problem :thumbsup:

point 2
you do not put continuous dabs around boards to stop fire,that my friend is the daftest thing i have ever heard,go on a big job and have a look youngun(im taking your only a kid with your childish message) ,ive been on sites from council to million pound houses and apart from sound proofing all dabs are apart.(maybe somewhere british stranded says this,but in all the extentions,houses ,commercial jobs ive drylined,not once has the building inspector,architect or jumped up little tiler like yourself said this to me or lads,or any other tradesman i know)
as whitebeam said,you fill all gaps for air circulation,i take it you have sent whitebeam a silly message for his stupid qoute of his?
you put continuous dabs if its being sound proofed with sound boards,drylining was intended for a few things,to quicken drying times for decorating and to form a secondary cavity.
lets think about this for a second my obnoxious jerkjockey,you say its for fire(im laughing here:lol:) so my clever obnoxious jerkjockey,explain wooden partitions or metal partition and your super duper theory about fire spreading,in possibly all houses,factorys and office building ect,every partition is either metal or wood stud,this is more of a problem to a fire hazzard not drylining a blockwall with dabs 5" apart :lol:

so like i said in my reply to my email, i live in burnley,you have a problem with me and want to shut my mouth for me,catch a train or jump in your van and come up,im happy to talk with such a experienced boy like yourself,im sure my lads would love being called cowboys as well.
oh and ive posted this in the public forum so ,they the public can look me up and check my 'cowboy' work out www.facebook.com/withnelltiling
hell ring dom and melinder up as well tilsley,they can come and have a look at my work,from the 80s or nowadays,,id love to be on tele id even have a crack at melinder :drool5:

thats all**yawn**


Re: my nice private message of tilsley

You can send me as many messages as you want regarding building regs or tommys DIY tips mate,calling me a typical short arsed northern monkey :)
you can read as much as you like but nothing come close to experience .
You go on any site and tell a dry liner or plasterer to do it your way,he or she will laugh you out off the site .
Good buy for a bit, nowt worse than keyboard warriors on forums.
I'm leaving for a bit,may come back when I've destroyed a few more peoples houses


my nice private message of tilsley

Pee off Deano ;)
Personally I don't understand the internet warriors, sending messages ,does my extremely calm exteriors head in.
Trust me chalker,you should of seen the other messages, if he was around the corner I would of found him and violated him with my pet gimp.
Plus I got the message at 7.50 ish, I was rough off beer and had to go to work,I only partly read it, he is prob right about the regs on fire with dabs at top,( I read it thinking he meant full lines all way around this morning :) ) still,no one does it.
Clever dicks and internet keyboard tough guys kinda irritate my small handsome self ;)
Ps Deano pee off again ;)

Pps I think he has been banned,I can't message him back :(
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The D

Re: my nice private message of tilsley

Pee off Deano ;)
Personally I don't understand the internet warriors, sending messages ,does my extremely calm exteriors head in.
Trust me chalker,you should of seen the other messages, if he was around the corner I would of found him and violated him with my pet gimp.
Plus I got the message at 7.50 ish, I was rough off beer and had to go to work,I only partly read it, he is prob right about the regs on fire with dabs at top,( I read it thinking he meant full lines all way around this morning :) ) still,no one does it.
Clever dicks and internet keyboard tough guys kinda irritate my small handsome self ;)
Ps Deano pee off again ;)

Pps I think he has been banned,I can't message him back :(


Just to clarify, plasterboard does need to be solid dabbed around the whole perimeter of the wall, all sockets and window reveals, nothing to do with fire though. It's to do with draughts and cold air seeping in to the building, the solid dab help prevent this, houses with out solid dabs fail the air pressure tests, solid dabs are in the nhbc book of standards and in the building regs,

John Benton



Tj.you could only laugh if you could see some of previous posts and responses re Swedish mike.!
i actually liked him from his early posts and he did have a tiling qualification that I don't have !
He had a pretty good knowledge of tiling practices or rather I should say better than me
but he did get angry and was quite confrontational.
i put that down to where he lived but that prognosis was based on my personal experiences working in Sweden myself on a number of occasions and Sweden is a very dark place to live in winter if you are not in the right frame of mind.
of course to you as an ex serviceman of our country you are trained to deal with any scenario given to you .
i find it interesting and also encouraging that many ex service men are turning to tiling as a profession.

Any ex service for me would be top of my list if I was looking for a new employees.

White Room

Tj.you could only laugh if you could see some of previous posts and responses re Swedish mike.!
i actually liked him from his early posts and he did have a tiling qualification that I don't have !
He had a pretty good knowledge of tiling practices or rather I should say better than me
but he did get angry and was quite confrontational.
i put that down to where he lived but that prognosis was based on my personal experiences working in Sweden myself on a number of occasions and Sweden is a very dark place to live in winter if you are not in the right frame of mind.
of course to you as an ex serviceman of our country you are trained to deal with any scenario given to you .
i find it interesting and also encouraging that many ex service men are turning to tiling as a profession.

Any ex service for me would be top of my list if I was looking for a new employees.

Thats called thinking on your feet and yes I am ex service but a long time ago....

Reply to my nice private message of tilsley in the Australia Tiling Forum area at TilersForums.com

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