my nice private message of tilsley

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Re: my nice private message of tilsley

Pee off Deano 😉
Personally I don't understand the internet warriors, sending messages ,does my extremely calm exteriors head in.
Trust me chalker,you should of seen the other messages, if he was around the corner I would of found him and violated him with my pet gimp.
Plus I got the message at 7.50 ish, I was rough off beer and had to go to work,I only partly read it, he is prob right about the regs on fire with dabs at top,( I read it thinking he meant full lines all way around this morning 🙂 ) still,no one does it.
Clever dicks and internet keyboard tough guys kinda irritate my small handsome self 😉
Ps Deano pee off again 😉

Pps I think he has been banned,I can't message him back 🙁
Can i not get his email off the powers that be, ive got a old email i aint used in a few years, i could proper wind him up [emoji41]
Who is he then? I have seen a couple of posts about a bell end from Sweeden.... Can someone fill me in with what i don't know? Get him down the ABC Wids, i'll come and watch mate :thumbsup:

Ps: Deano your message cracked me up :lol:
John your killing me..... That was like dangling a sweet in front of a child and then shoving it your own gob!!! Who is he and what is the story mate lol
Just to clarify, plasterboard does need to be solid dabbed around the whole perimeter of the wall, all sockets and window reveals, nothing to do with fire though. It's to do with draughts and cold air seeping in to the building, the solid dab help prevent this, houses with out solid dabs fail the air pressure tests, solid dabs are in the nhbc book of standards and in the building regs,
I actually got told there had to be gap Ross,so it could form another cavity ,and it shouldn't be fully bedded,but that was 20 years ago and they change there minds like the wind.
Oh and not one plasterer I know does this 😉


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