The problem with buying cheap tools is they used to be well made. I had a very early Rubi mixer - lasted me 5 yrs. Next one I bought expecting the same quality and it was utter pants.
Bought an Aldi mixer too about 5 yrs ago - brilliant - lasted a couple of years.
Bought another and it broke on the 1st day.
If you can risk it and have time to muck around returning and exchanging or shopping for replacements - then more power to you!
I'd rather buy once and know it's not going to let me down.
I completely agree impish it's the problem I've had with last couple of mixers, been caught with them breaking on weekends, only option, cheap screwfix crap, that coupled with labourers abusing them doesn't lead to a long life span. But I think the overwhelming recommendation has to be an eibenstock, since I have time to order one. Cheers people