Need Some Photos.

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Hi guys,gals.
I just took 30 mins typing my last letter then I lost it,I hope it doesn'tpop up again.I was more active on this site until I came down with a case of cancer and haven't worked since last June Since I've been in recovery I've been doing some schooling(upgrading,careerchange stuff)There was some nerve damage done on my left side and my left shoulder is next to useless,.Anyway I've been taking a computer course for the last month and am doing a presentation on tilesetting(plus I have two jobs lined up for when I'm done this course and need ideas for some inset patterns)Looking to see if there's anything unique across the pond that would look nice in the colonies.Cheers.

P.S.I meant to ask for pictures All types of sets please

Wear a dust mask:mad2:
Hi mike.....At least you are still with us mate.....nice to hear from you again, Good luck in your new adventure..:thumbsup:
All the best Mike!
My Pa's just been diagnosed with lung cancer and he's been a silversmith all his life but didn't think some silverdust was hazardous...just shows, you can take your health for granted until it's too late...
Hi mike, glad you're still with us, your best bet is to browse through the photos in members albums then pm the member for permission if you like any.
Here's one for you.

The setting out of this dictated how the whole room was going to look. The client wanted the shower area symmetrical and accepted that this would affect the rest of the wet room. Out of some 27 floor tiles I laid I had to cut all but 8!


...and all the best. I wish you every success in what you're doing
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Hi Mike, brave man:thumbsup:....just a thought, I don't know how long and broad ranging your presentation is meant to be, but perhaps if you google 'international tile patterns' you come across European and African traditions, etc, too, which may give you more ideas about setting out etc?
Also, I came across this site (geometric tiling images) not long ago..perhaps it may lead somewhere?

Google Image Result for

Good luck to you!
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