you have got to have a van and it needs to be reliable, in order to get you and your tools to work!
in the second year of trading i would not buy a new van, or lease,
look for a good quality second hand van from a dealership,
circa £5000, buy it on hp, pay for it over 3 years, about £150 per month,
all you need to worry about is the £150 per month, and yes its deductable.
this way you are not out of pocket have a nice van, and in year 5 when you are turning over £50,000 plus look at buying a new van.
Hi Dagger
could you pls explain how to work out how much money is deductable is it the whole amount say £5000 is deductable off the profit so say I earn £15 000 this year I would only pay tax on £10 000? so therfore saving around 20% of £5,000 in tax?
I was going to do exactly as you quoted in your reply about getting a second hand van for around £5000 from a dealership, then I noticed that with the scrappage scheme some dealerships near me are doing new berlingo vans for around £6000...so was considering that