New years eve....

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HA! Was joking about the Baileys and cherryade(A drink Del Boy asks for in an episode,never tried)

My son is called Bailey.I went out the night he was born and when I went in the pub there was 12 glasses of Baileys lined up on the bar from the lads. Drank them all and everyone that asked me what my son was called bought me another Baileys(Used to hate the stuff but know have a major taste for it).
Went out with £20 on me and when I woke up the next day in bed i was hugging a wheel trim and I had £100 in my pocket.
When it all came back to me everyone was putting money in my pocket for my son,I was the first of all my mates to have a child.My girlfriends Ford KA had a wheel trim missing and in my drunken stupor on the way home I saw a lovely Ford KA so I helped myself to one of the trims.

I'll raise a glass of Baileys to your grandparents tonight,I'm sure with having a caring family like yours your Gran wil get through it.

Have a Good New Year to you all!:grouphug:
HA! Was joking about the Baileys and cherryade(A drink Del Boy asks for in an episode,never tried)

My son is called Bailey.I went out the night he was born and when I went in the pub there was 12 glasses of Baileys lined up on the bar from the lads. Drank them all and everyone that asked me what my son was called bought me another Baileys(Used to hate the stuff but know have a major taste for it).
Went out with £20 on me and when I woke up the next day in bed i was hugging a wheel trim and I had £100 in my pocket.
When it all came back to me everyone was putting money in my pocket for my son,I was the first of all my mates to have a child.My girlfriends Ford KA had a wheel trim missing and in my drunken stupor on the way home I saw a lovely Ford KA so I helped myself to one of the trims.

I'll raise a glass of Baileys to your grandparents tonight,I'm sure with having a caring family like yours your Gran wil get through it.

Have a Good New Year to you all!:grouphug:

I don't care wot wivers sez about you're a good lad really..:lol: :lol:
Im going to a mates party with her in doors and four kids in tow,not looking forward to getting home in the wee small hrs,but hey,its HOGMANY,PARTY TIME.:grouphug: .
Sorry to hear about your grandad mark!
its awkward for my family to celebrate on 31st december as this is the anniversary of my mums death, 10yrs passed so quickly! but she wouldn't want us to dwell on it!
but as i'm T - TOTAL :26:i just get the pleasure of watching a room full of people getting wasted,then i have the honour of driving these p***ed up morons home afterwards!
so cheers to one & all !:cheers2: @ midnight:clock: have one for me!
becareful if your drinking DON'T drive home be sensible,:thumbsup:then you can really look fwd to a NEW YEAR................with a sore head!!:stuart:

:8: :54: :17: :17:

Wise words.
Fancy dress, tv or movie characters.....this will be my effort..... happy new year to everyone

"Westworld" Yul Brynner MGM 1973

Having small party at mine tonight then straight down pub tomorrow at midday for best session of the year yippee!!
would like to thank you all for the info and crack over the past couple of months its been appreciated a lot and hope you all have a happy and prosperous new year.
Off to put me glad rags on so i can spill some ruby merry down them later on.

ATB Steve.:thumbsup:
new years eve

sorry to be blunt but burying my dad, gutted likes

sorry not been on for a bit il try later in the next fw weeks

take care and all the best for 08



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