Old Mod
Tut tut Julian! HahaOk marc, a diet it is for me too 🙁
Tut tut Julian! HahaOk marc, a diet it is for me too 🙁
thanks 3_fall...... I shall take your advise.......
TBH I've gradually put on weight since my job became less manual. My back issue has stopped me taking the dog for long walks too. Used to go for a 8 mile hike every sunday. Thats stopped. lucky to get him round the estate every day at the moment.
Been a miserable year health wise but 2016 is the year I spin it back round on its arse!
After almost 55yrs on this rock we call home, u tend to pick up a thing or two!Thanks again. Alot to take in, but helpful all the same. Would love to know how you know so much about, well.... so much.
Anyway, apart from loosing weight, anyone else got any resolutions???
***And we're back in the room***
the only thing I would add to what 3-fall says is avoid processed food. There can be 25% variation on the nutritional info on them so it worth squat. I know this because I deal with gda every day and use software to prepare the labels and recipe sheets for staff to follow. Also drink a large drink of water with every meal. Often when you think your hungry it's because your thirsty.so drink more and use fresh ingredients plus all of above and you'll be thinner in no time. I don't follow this that's why I'm a fat git. .. but new year and all that..Haha not that simple I'm afraid @Paul C.
U just said u want to loose weight.
I've given u simple ways to do just that.
Don't over analise what I've said about portion sizes etc.
I'm talking small amounts.
To actually increase muscle density and weight u'd have to consume 2.5gm of protein per kilo of body weight per day. And I'm not talking 2.5gms in weight! Haha I'm talking nutritional values.
So someone weighing 70kg would need to consume 175gms protein a day, to give u an idea, in 100gms weight of tuna there is 27gms protein, so that's 700gms of tuna to aquire that much protein A DAY 🙂
Last thing u need to be doing is pushing weights at the moment.
If ur gonna exercise do light cardio to start. The best all round cardio is the rowing machine. It exercises every muscle in ur body, esp the heart and lungs.
ANY cardio u do to help loose weight should only be at a maximum of 75% heart rate for u!
The way to work ur maximum heart rate out is to deduct ur age from 220
That'll give u ur max heart rate.
So cardio for weight loss is 75% of that!
If u work any harder ur body will not use body fat as fuel, it'll use stored energy u've amounted during day and not body fat, which after all, is what u need it to use!
This is waaaaaay off topic haha it needs a new thread if u want to continue 🙂