Newly qualified tiler looking for unpaid 'intern' experience.

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I may have a job coming off in the South East area. I would be quite happy to take you with me for it.
Hi, Thanks for the reply - have you got a contact number? or I can provide mine if thats better.
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Hello everyone,

I wondered if any London tilers are on a job at the moment or have work coming up and would like a spare hand for free? Ive recently completed an 8 week intensive tiling course, but I don't feel confident enough to go it alone and anyway I suspect it would be arrogant to assume I could.

I know in the past people have posted similar requests on here and got short shrift because - as many have pointed out - if an experienced tiler recruits an improver and then the improver leaves to go it alone, the experienced tiler who did the improver a favour and helped him to improve has just created competition for himself - so wheres the incentive? However, I'd be just as happy to stick with someone if it all turned out ok and I started to be of use to them. I have placed an ad on (yet to go live) and done a card drop, but I've not had anyone take the bait as yet - I did this basically because I'm looking to work.

I don't have transport or tools yet (I intend to purchase tools when work comes in, and I can get around London really easy without a vehicle, early starts with commuting aren't a problem for me). I know this type of enquiry isn't always popular, but i need work and experience and if you don't ask…

hi doug my names kevin I live in Surrey and we are a small outfit of 4 tilers and a labourer. We do a lot of work in Central and west London also surrey and Hampshire. Wed be interested in speaking to you so if you'd like to give me a call on 07885624759 and we can take it from there.


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