Discuss Non payment action help please! in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.



I receive this i-mail for one job:
Work Friday-Monday


Work for tomorrow:

Entrance to building is on ......., in big grey metal door.

Job for friday - prepration to changing room floors. blind heating mat with adhesive. when dry, latex whole floor, mix sand with latex.
Also some screeding to complete, ardex A35+ sand 1:4 mix.
Floor tiles arrive Saturday a.m.
Wall tiles are on site for repairs upstairs.
Wall tiling to shower cubicles not ready yet, no shower trays!
I will meet you on site 8 a.m.

If you pay for car park friday, give me the ticket and I pay you.

£150.00/daywork items - screeding/latex/etc
£17.00/m2 tiling - £2.00/lm - tile skirting

tile skirting may not be completed in this visit so all waste must be kept safe to cut skirtings!!--------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I go in site on Friday,talk with him and agree 2 daywork for finish the screed and selfleveling.I show him the screed done by his tiler is very bad,200,300mm diferent level so the bags of selfleveling is not enough. I send him one text mess;''selfleveling was enough just for first floor.'' Answer;''okay,make a nice job and leave it full tile where the drawing shows lockers,etc'' .I start tile the floor and finish Monday.I receive one text mess;''If u go tomorrow,u can fit tiles upstairs to cubicles,about 12msq,daywork or price,let me know.I will be in London on Friday,not tomorrow.''I send him ;'Need pay ticket.The job can be done at daywork.' Answer;'Make it a good job!Can you also do a small sample of the ivory grout in the shower floor tiles,thanks.'I finish the 3 daywork and I take all my tools.After 4 days receive this sms;''Shower walls is ready for Saturday''.I ask him;''Daywork and ticket parking,ok?''. Answer;''17/m2''.I send him this txt;''Is not sqm,just cut and small tiles.For 1 sqm need 88spaces.I make there 3,maybe 4 sqm at day.''In the end I go there Saturday but was not ready nothing,so I leave.Monday I receive this sms;''If you can go tomorrow,they will sort out showers so can be tiled,also get skirting done.Whole job must finished Friday.I answer;''I have skeduled some work this week,let me see how can go there.I call u later''. Leather same day I send him this;''Can go tomorrow but just 3 days if is ok.Please send me clear instructions for this job,thanks''.receive the answer;''If u can do the tile skirting it is good and bit of wall tiling.Day or evening.I be there in the afternoon,there is a little stone job to do in the evening also.Showers will be done by other tilers tonight,no time left.''I send him;''Please send me exactly what need to do,and if is daywork or not.The skirting at 2 pounds I can not fitted,is 50 ml,and need 2 daywork''.Aswer me after one day;''You go tonight?Parking space available under the office,one cubicle and skirting please.''.I send him;''I still w8 to tell me how intend to pay me for this job''.Him;''Just get it finished!''.I go there one night,I do some skirting,and stone job and next day I tell him no have times for go more there,ask him if have problems to finish with another tiler ans tell me no problems.After 3 weeks,I try to call him for pay me the invoice,never answer,send sms,nothing and I receive this i-mail; Dear Eduardo,


Thank you for your efforts at ---------, I am withholding payment for 30 days or until my client has signed off your works.

As per my email dated 02/05/13 the job was sub-contracted to you to be re-measured against the rates that I set.
You had no complaint when you agreed to the job, however you have not completed the work and refused to go back to site, so your work has been supplemented by others and any costs will be subtracted from your account.

You cannot accept a job, take the easy money, then walk away from the difficult parts.

Regarding your invoice, the measures are incorrect, I did not agree to pay for 5 days parking, and your have asked for dayworks with no supporting evidence of work completed. Can you forward details of what work was carried out on which days/dates and hours spent.

Finally, it appears that your floor tiling to the Ground floor changing rooms is not laid to specification, ie, not flat and not level. You were paid to latex the floor so there’s no reason why the floor is not flat and level. There was plenty of material available to do this. My client may request that the entire floor is taken up and relaid!

There are other areas of work on the 4[SUP]th[/SUP] and 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor that were not carried out as asked.

Until I receive my clients snag sheet all payment is withheld, so I ask you to be patient in the meantime and to get snags completed when asked.


What is your opinion about this?Can I do something to have my money?I spend all days 43 pounds for parking,10 pounds for Congestion Charge.I send him this i-mail;
Dear 'CONTRACTOR' ----------------

I just want to remember you about your i-mail send to me in 02.05.2013,this is not a Contract,is just one propose.I never signed one contract with your Company.Like you can see in i-mail,was one proposal job for 3 days,no more.All the work done after this 3 days for your company was agreed in site,or in SMS,if you not have records I can provide to send to you.Job done at 4 floor and 5 floor I have receive to SMS,daywork or sqm,I agree with you daywork.Tiket parking instructions can find in i-mail.I have all documents need for report your company to Claim Court.I receive just today CIS from you,just for last month,but I have all invoices and your payment made in my account with 20%deducted for my taxes,started in 04.2012.

Firstly, every contractor has a legal requirement to produce and issue a deduction statement to the sub-contractor; this is the same a payslip if you are employed. Failure to comply can result in penalties.I am able to prove the deductions if have not got the statements and this can be done via invoices and the payments made by your company; invoice value less payment amount should equal 20% deduction. If contractors do not produce or refuse to produce the statements, I must report them to HMRC. Regards,Eduard Simon.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The invoice was for 5 dayswork,2 days screed and latex,3 days wall upstairs.The site manager agree with me need 2 h for wall,I tell him and his aswer was -''no problems''. 12 walls x2h=24h.Ticket parking for 5 days(3 days park in office parking,and 5 tickets pay by me)Floor x sqm 17 pounds.
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Ceramico tiling

There is a very cool book called "Easyway guide to making a small claim in the county court" by Peter Jarret. It should be available at your local library and its at Amazon for £8.. This book is easy to read and has given be allot of confidence in these situations. I suggest you buy it and bang it out in 2 days. You will see that you can easily begin the ball rolling to make a claim against this contractor,and you can do it all yourself..
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