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tiler burden


some of you might remember that last november, i posted up about my dad losing his home to pay for his care because he has alzheimers..

well 3 months on and i can confirm as of this week that he has kept the family home!!!

we applied for whats known as 'continued care'...please remember this because if it wasnt for a nice care worker, we would have never of known about this european funding..the social workers never even mentioned this to me and my brother but thanks to this kind hearted guy, we now get to keep the family home of which my late mum and dad have worked all these years to leave to their family...

this country really needs to start looking after the people that contribute and make those who sponge off the state get off their r's and put something back..

so remember this, if you have a family member who has dementure or alzheimers and they are going to sell their homes to pay for their own care then ask about 'CONTINUED CARE' a and dont let them fob you off!!

hope this helps

part 2 of the good news coming up and no i am not on dragons den lol

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tiler burden

its all a numbers game mate and your right its scandalous!!

i remember when my mum had cancer. there was a new drug out that was really holding back the effects of breast cancer. i was 25 at the time with a 5 year brother and i asked the specialist, ''could we apply for my mum to have this new drug'. the specialist said no, the company who had developed it, didnt want terminally ill patients to have it as it would have a detrimental effect on the stats of success and therefore would not be as creditable', even in severe illness theres money hungry beaureaucrats looming...

anyway thats all in the past, that was then and this is now,,,got the house, got the new baby, got the memories ;0)

tiler tom

Glad to see somebody has got round the system for a change.

8 years ago my Granmother went from a sprightly old lady to one who suffered strokes, loss of mobility, speech and sight in a very short space of time. Worked all her life in the mills, didn't smoke and only the occasional drink. A bit of savings and owned her own home. When the time came for her to receive the neccesary care they kept her pension and insisted her home be sold to fund the care. The house was put on the market and sold for a well below price in order to pay the monies. Unfortunatley she passed away within months meaning that ultimatley the people she did care about lost out on what she had worked and saved for all her life.
So what you should do is spend everything you earn that way should you need the care in the future you are looked after and they can't take anything. Either that or make sure you ghive it away 10 years before anything happens. :furious3:


Chuffed for you mate,was well pissed off when I read the original post.

Since I read your original post my Grandad has been losing it,He lost his car 3 months ago because he forgot where he parked it and he's had tradesman and salesman at his door taking advantage.
In the last 3 months he's had new windows and doors fitted because some finance company talked him into taking out loans with them and getting there registered companys to carry out the work.I phoned up the finance company and told them to stop trying to sell stuff to my Grandad because he wasn't in possesion of his marbles,they told me they wasn't willing to talk to me as the matter was private.
My friend lives near him so I asked him to keep an eye on my grandad for me,got a call 2 weeks ago while I was working away saying my grandad was having SOLAR PANELS:whatchutalkingabout put on his terraced roof,came back from work that night to see and ask him whats happening,the finance company have loaned him £9,000 to have these panels and boiler system put in so including the money for the windows and doors he'd been leant he now has monthly payments of £490 a month to pay out of his £600 a month pension.Obviously can't afford it but guess what the loans are secured against his fully paid off house.
The solar guys came back the next day and I ripped up my grandads loan agreement in front of them and told them to get the panels off my grandads property,they got their boss to phone me straight back and threatened me with court,I laughed and said that I've already been in contact with citizens advice and WATCHDOG!(BLATANT LIE)and that we were going to trash his company all over the papers.
After a months discussion they said they'd remove the whole system and there wouldn't be any charge,I told them they wasn't taking the new boiler as they'd removed the perfectly good one and thrown it.They had to agree to leave the boiler at no cost:grin:
Its disgaceful that companies are praying on helpless people like this,the only thing that interests them is money,they have absolutely no morales.

The only thing my Grandad wants is to leave his house to my mum and uncles but if he gets worse I fear the goverment will sell his house to pay for his care,which I think he'll need in a few years.

Hopefully it won't come to that,I'll remember that CONTINUED CARE,thanks again mate:thumbsup:
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