Old timer safety tip

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I know we've all heard this from day one but many of us don't really think it's neccesary,I never did,I'm talking about wearing a mask when mixing thinset,grout,etc..I'd just throw my shirt over my face and get er done,and that's only in the last five years,I've just been diagnosed with cancer on the bottom of my palate and throat,from the amounts of grout and thinset I've chewed on or blown out of my nose over the past 21years I'm sure that ******* silica was in there somewhere.The warnings on the packaging are there for a reason,it's not the 5 weeks of radiation therapy that ****es me off,it's the 5 weeks less of setting tile this year that I'm going to miss.All these years I've wondered if those warnings really meant anything,My bad.
Cheers Mike
Soory to hear that but it's a good word of warning to others. I nearly always use a face mask when mixing. If people read the instructions its recommended. Fine cement dust is bad for you.
I always try and mix outside if poss, Some very good points made. God knows how much crap I've breathed in over the years, Best for the future Mike.
Trouble is most of us know we should do it, just cant be bothered is usually the case. got to Look after yourself
Sorry to hear that, mate.

That is something most of us never think about either.
We are too busy moaning about aches and pains, that are nothing in comparison.

All the best, Boots.


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