One stupid naive tiler needs help!

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i have some times used a product by LTP called grimex to remove grout on very course slate , very strong stuff and works a treat on slate , i would try on a very small piece first and use it net , but have lots of water ready to neutralise it , might be worth hiring a buffer with a nylon brush to really work it in
hope this helps ,and good luck with it

Got the stuff I needed the next day CTD got it ordered in, worked a treat was hard work though a job my husband deligated to me (thanks very much), but it's all done.

We are just finishing off the rest of te floor and have discovered if we use a funnel type of tool then allow to almost dry it doesn't stain. Before we were allowing it to dry off for 15 minutes then washing off with a wet sponge hence washing it across the tile this way there is only a tiny amount of grout going over the edge and it's too thick to seep through.

Anyway thanks again!


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