Overlapping a vertical tile with horizontal tile

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and here's the sink area midway between me hacking that angled wall blob out


I hacked the ledge down to become level with the sink and hacked that bit out by the sink so it was flush with the main wall. There was more of it than that but I only remembered to take a picture halfway through
It's such a shame because you've gone to the effort of coming on here and asking for advise. You would do a better job with a good start point that's really where you went wrong.

For the cost of what, £5.98 for a box of tiles? You could start again and do it justice.

The :dizzy2: was about the lines, arrows and numbers all over them. Or did the councle fix them like that?
It's such a shame because you've gone to the effort of coming on here and asking for advise. You would do a better job with a good start point that's really where you went wrong.

For the cost of what, £5.98 for a box of tiles? You could start again and do it justice.


£7 per box. :smilewinkgrin:

I don't have time. I've been trying to figure it out for weeks. I have a life other than tiling like looking after disabled b/f, shopping, cleaning, organising Christmas etc. :smilewinkgrin:

The way I also look at it is a) it's going to be better than the council job (I hope!), b) it's only going to be b/f and me looking at it and c) council are supposed to be replacing bathrooms/kitchens in the near future so they'll probably damage everything I've already done anyway.
ah, found a picture of bumpy wall by sink


After I'd hacked it


What I'd have had to contend with if I didn't hack it away

A few more questions.

Someone mentioned having to do an offcut for the main wall above the sink as my tiles are 25cm and the wall is 32cm.

The wall on the left-hand side though also has a small gap as it is 26.5cm. I'm guessing a sliver of 1.5cm is unacceptable and I wouldn't be able to cut it anyway, so should I just do 2 x 13cm wide tiles for the left wall and 2 x 16cm tiles for the middle wall?


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