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Discuss Paying tradesmen cash in hand morally wrong, says Tory ! in the UK Tiling Forum area at



Its wrong to take cash and not declare it as earnings and hence not pay income tax on it. Equally its wrong (morally but not necessarily legally) to squirrel your money away in some offshore tax avoidance haven just as its wrong for these big companies to register abroad for the same reason. And its wrong that the bankers, politicians etc have got their snouts in the trough lining their pockets in the way they have and continue to do. The trouble is that these days, many people seem to be 'on the grab' and many people have lost sight of standards and decency. They and others would do well to read Exodus 20: 1 - 17, the 10 commandments.

  1. You shall have no other Gods but me.
  2. You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.
  3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
  4. You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.
  5. Respect your father and mother.
  6. You must not kill.
  7. You must not commit adultery.
  8. You must not steal.
  9. You must not give false evidence against your neighbour.
  10. You must not be envious of your neighbour's goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbour.


Its wrong to take cash and not declare it as earnings and hence not pay income tax on it. Equally its wrong (morally but not necessarily legally) to squirrel your money away in some offshore tax avoidance haven just as its wrong for these big companies to register abroad for the same reason. And its wrong that the bankers, politicians etc have got their snouts in the trough lining their pockets in the way they have and continue to do. The trouble is that these days, many people seem to be 'on the grab' and many people have lost sight of standards and decency. They and others would do well to read Exodus 20: 1 - 17, the 10 commandments.

  1. You shall have no other Gods but me.
  2. You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.
  3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
  4. You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.
  5. Respect your father and mother.
  6. You must not kill.
  7. You must not commit adultery.
  8. You must not steal.
  9. You must not give false evidence against your neighbour.
  10. You must not be envious of your neighbour's goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbour.
You aint seen my neighbour, his car, house or wife have you ?...fat chance of being envious. :lol:


just my own experience but the most likely candidates to ASK for a cash price/job are the ones with money in the 1st place.

i dont offer cash prices but i am asked very regularly for them,they can either pay cash or bank transfer either or but both will be the same cost.

after the last 4 years which for many in the building trades have been hard at times to say the least its yet another kick in the gahoolies for the working man of this country imo,and yet another negative thump for the economy i mean do they actually want this country to grow at all or do they want to keep us all down at a controlled level forever more?

rant over lol

John Benton

It's funny isn't it, tradesmen are ripped part because they are paid cash (as we don't declare it, yeah right) but then I heard someone was investigated by the taxman because he never got paid in cash a couple of years ago, it was mainly cheques and bank transfers, so they suspected that he wasn't declaring it.

You can't win! :mad2:

On one

It's funny isn't it, tradesmen are ripped part because they are paid cash (as we don't declare it, yeah right) but then I heard someone was investigated by the taxman because he never got paid in cash a couple of years ago, it was mainly cheques and bank transfers, so they suspected that he wasn't declaring it.

You can't win! :mad2:
Sitting here waiting for the taxman to call if that's the case then!


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Makes me laugh. Nowt wrong with them spending time and money on clocking the guys paying no tax at all (and I think they need to look in-house a bit more than they do for that one to be honest) but to claim being paid in cash is wrong is rubbish. They're almost saying that cash has no value and it's not legit to trade with it. Rubbish, we need a shed load more of trading in cash and then the banks dont get some of our income.

Though not paying tax is wrong, no matter who you are.

Apparently that bloke who's a billionaire from milk cartons who's gone a bit crazy from time to time (and recently was a suspect with his wife's death over drugs of some sort) came to the UK because it's cheaper tax - though clearly when earning billions. Perhaps they should tax them sods more and lower the tax rate for honest tradesmen and they'd find all put their fair share into the pot .

When they're not setting good examples themselves though, I can see why a trend (that's been around for decades no doubt) isn't improving.

Lay off the little blokes tories and have a good look around the table when you're next discussing how to get more tax from the average joe. Cheeky sods.

On a different note - that bloke that made £350K on ebay and car boots sales, who avoided 50k tax or something like that, fair play for sticking him in the nick for a bit to have a good think about it. Though christ knows if he thinks he's been hard done by turning over 300k and doing a little time.


acton w3, london
What makes me :mad2: is that people comming from other countrys to UK and claim benefits, council houses etc. I feel lucky to be here (in UK), i work hard and pay my tax. My neighbour (from Poland) is in his early 30s and dosn't work ( on BENEFITS) One day he came to me and asked if i could give him some timber, ply etc.(wanted to make some shelves) so i just told him to get some job, and i give him alot as i pay tax :mad2: . I would :80: over them people :incazzato:


I have paid tax for the past 20 plus years if i get cash jobs there is no way am declaring it the goverment have more than enough off for foreigners claiming dole etc ,look around most foreigners want to work and make a better life for themselves i'll take bets we have more scroungers born in the uk than we have from abroad and at the end of the day i bet 80% of the people on the site have surnames that originated from diffrent countries ,most of us come from immigrant stock.

Time's Ran Out

I suppose it's morally wrong to pay for my groceries in cash, as they wont know what I'am eating and how much I spend a week on food!
Unless some jobsworth somewhere can't trace a receipt with my name on it or my accounts show 'drawings' then their records will not add up.
Big Brother (as in 1984 by George Orwell) is here and all the cctv safety cameras are for our own protection.
If I have any cash do you think it stays in my pocket very long - no it goes back into the Economy to pay for goods or products - it's called LIVING.
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