Cement board thinseted-in and nailed with galv roofing nails is the way to go. Be sure to wash the floor good first. While
cement board units (cbu) are flexible when stood on edge and shaken, when thinseted-in and nailed flat, it fuses for life to the wood substrate and the resulting lamination thickness of both is exponentially stiffer. Glued and screwed is a waste of time. If your sub floor flexes, and CBU’s are wobbly on edge, glued and screwed just means: now they both flex when stepped on! It results in air pockets and lack of 100% hi bond strength lamination.
That’s why thinseting it in is code. CBU’s will uncouple, top/bottom surfaces, if there is a mass stress event, and not deliver a hi tensile strength fracture to the face of the
tile. The C board decomposes in latteral and vertical stress (deflection). The same as old school mortar beds which cracks and compresses or stretches to take-up movement without sending it to the top.
I use nails because, heck, after the acrylic fortified thinset dries, you could literally remove them, as the thinset is doings job for life at about 500 PSI. They just help level -out the board until it dries.