Strengthen What? The board itself? Was that over timber or screed sub?
Ok. But SLC would only be required over timber right. Concrete would surely be stable enough if secured to it?
Out of interest @3_fall why is SLC spec'd by TM.
There's a lot of sense to SLC over electric UFH. A lot of positives to its use.
The way I see it there boards are effectively a cement backer. The pipes are never going to "Float" out. The piping is a barrier pipe so it's expansion is accommodated and very minimal.
With all that in mind I see no benefit to a decoupler if tiled direct.
If the floor is sound and level and the boards are as such too. I see no need to SLC.
So surely a flexible adhesive is more than apt?
Well it's been spec'd by Weber, TM and Norcross so far in this thread alone![/U]
I'd imagine even on a concrete base, one of its benefits is to eliminate air pockets, if air pockets exist they will heat to a much higher temperature will they not?
And the SLC will give a much more even distribution of heat.
Rather than lines of intense heat running thro the adhesive.
Could be wrong, but that's how I figure it Ali.
I struggle to see how laying a fragile trav floor direct to hot water pipes is never gonna have issues!
And apart from anything else if it's that cheap and there as much filler as stone, it's a disaster waiting to happen!
The stone and the resin do not expand and contract at the same rate, and it'll pop the resin!
Im convinced it'll crack!
But it's not my project, if you're happy Alister then go for it, but I'm never gonna agree with u on It haha sorry mate. 🙂
I'd love you to prove me wrong and we can put this subject to bed once and for all! God please! Hahaha