poverty tiling job

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im loaded :yikes: tell me where i hid the cash davy and ill take ya for a beer:8: cis i canny find it lol, im doin ok just now alan so i may put 2 days aside to do it for her i might aproach it by asking her what her budget is for doing it that way i wont offend

Mmmm, as you say, ask here what she wants to spend, give her a couple of options and tell her what it would cost normally, let her know your doing it cheap for her, give her an excuse if ya want but at the end of the day, as Dave says, we're tradesmen and need to earn a living.
I spent 17 years working in retail management and if it taught me anything it was 'don't judge a book by its cover'.... saying that you've made the call and made your decision on the cms circumstances so really down to you.

I think theres a very fine line here though, as has been suggested she may not be rolling in it but she's probably very proud. By the fact that you were there estimating suggests she's not after a freebee!

Basically there are 3 choices - 1/ Do it for cost of materials and risk causing offense - 2/ price as normal and not get the job - or 3/price to cover materials with 'mates rates' labour and walk away from the job feeling good about yourself.... karma....:thumbsup:
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Start feeling sorry for the customers................your'll end up in the same state.

It does tug at the old heart strings mind :dizzy2:
If you have the time and money to take the loss mate and your heart says yes then do it, cost on materials nothing on labour good Karma.
As long as it doe's not damage your business.

Jamie......are you a charity m8?.no!.........give her a price you are happy with m8,i wouldnt do it for nothing.Are British Gas going to pay your gas bill just because you were not as busy as expected in Dec/Jan?..........dont think so!(dont mean to be heartless):thumbsup:
Never judge a book by it's cover



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