Lol Gaz........ I agree with BRH that price does matter........but it only matters like you say Dan to those unfortunate customers who don't have much spare. I started off working in that end of the market but you soon realise that although you can earn a wage from it, it aint gonna make you rich as you have to keep your prices so low in order to compete as BRH says with the rest of europe!!!
I find that the customers who live in the big houses and have plenty of money do not give too much thought to the cost, in fact they all bang on about the same thing, the quality and apperence for when their friends come. Another thing with this end of the market is the fact that eastern europeans can't penatrate it because there is no way that people like this will hire someone who can't even speak the language (they just won't take the chance)
Just to give you an example i quoted a job yesterday before i got home for an Indian couple who live in a more expensive part of my town, 22m2 bathroom walls and 7m2 floor space (they also have 3 other bathrooms and a conservatory for the right person) they told me before i started measuring that they had had 1 other quote and told me he quoted £650 all in (good price) however i stood there and spoke to them about there project i tried to give them ideas of how all the bathrooms could compliment one another and how TOGETHER we could construct the job to give the whole house a certain feel of class and good taste as you walk from room to room. They both got right involved in the conversation and told me thaey had not even given a thought to all the rooms complimenting each other and were really looking forward to getting started with it. So when i gave my price of £900 THEY DIDDN'T EVEN FLINCH..these people want quality and people they can trust and are not so hung up with cost.
BRH i have read a few of your posts and you certainly seem to know where you wanna go and you make good sense too... if you want to know some of the little things i did to break into the higher end of the market then PM me mate :wink_smile: