Hi Dave,and fellow tilers,just a quick question to get some European opinions(how about them olympics eh?)I'm going to do a heated bathroom floor,I'm using a 240v cable system.It's brand name is "True Comfort"floor warming and heating systems.I don't know if you carry that brand in the motherland but here's my question.I'm going to lay my cable and then cover it with SLC(self leveling compound)now seeing I'm going into semi-retirement(real tilesetters never really retire,that's just a myth)but I'm slowly trying to unload some of my product.now the people I'm doing this for are freinds of a friends of a friends etc... I want togive them as all customers a bang on job so I was wondering if this idea of mine would be allright by British standards.I have a huge roll of fiberglass membrane so I'm trying to use it all up,now I'm thinking I could put this membrane in the SLC just to give the floor some extra muscle,I'm setting the cable on hardi-board(cement board)so does anybody see any problems with this,how about the "Nu-Heat"guy,would the fiber-glass membrane burn and give off toxic fumes or anything?That's my only concern.Thanks in advance to all responses,I'll be able to stay up past my bedtime to read my responses.cheers,Mike