I am one of the few that did an apprenticeship for my old tight wadded skinflint italian boss. The first few weeks were the worst, I used to go home crying most days it was just brutal, however it taught me one good lesson. Never expect any of the men to do something you couldnt attempt or know how to do yourself. You cant talk the talk and not walk the walk in this game, or the client will crucify you and hang you out to dry. If I hadnt have gone through being on the tools, I couldnt do what I do now. Its made me highly protective of my lads, its all to easy for a pen pusher of a client to think anyone on site is an idiot. The most intelligent, people I have ever met are not the ones who never get their hands dirty, its the genius's who slog their guts out most days.
I have tried a couple of apprentices out with the lads, and it has been nothing but aggro for us, they dont turn up on time, they are always on their mobiles the list goes on. Their mums for the most part are battle axes, because in their minds their sons are still 12 years old, and its ok for them to not go into work, or work at the weekend. They dont take kindly to being told if their son isent man enough to pick the phone up and call me, then he can stay in bed as long as he wants, because we dont want to see him on site ever again.