I got a question, when does someone cross the border between being a bloody fantastic tiler/stonemason....to an 'artisan'? I hate words like this, to me its pompous, self absorbing, totally pathetic and SMUG. I learnt a long time ago, you keep your mouth shut, and your head down, if your good at something then people will recognise this, you shouldn't need to bang on about how fantastic you are. It seriously makes me wonder what this industry is coming to when these people use these words. We all work in the same trade, we all do our jobs to do, and do them to the best standard we can. Theres to much of it going on, some people need to wake up and smell the coffee, instead of bigging themselves up.
If I ever used the word 'artisan' I would hope one of you would give me a swift kick up the bum and bring me down to earth.
If I ever used the word 'artisan' I would hope one of you would give me a swift kick up the bum and bring me down to earth.