TJ Smiler
Left school (well, got expelled) in 89 and got a job in a t-shirt warehouse, was paid about 90 quid a week. Used to love getting that brown envelope every Friday. Joined the Royal Green Jackets in 92 an got £430 a month, obviously all accommodation and food etc were taken care of so felt like a load of money to me then. When we were away from home we got paid extra and of course you can't spend any money in a big field lol so when we got home i would have bundles in the bank.... Remember being in Norway for five months and came home to nearly £5000 in the bank, blew the bloody lot on a holiday with the boys to Spain and one of them massive music stack systems JVC...... Great days but hindsight hindsight hindsight young man, give me 5 grand now and it would be so different