Reminder about what a forum actually is.

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Staff member
I recently offerd a chance for another forum to swap links with us, not a tile one, but a DIY one. It's a young forum like us and has a large amount of posts (though 40% are jokes, 'word association' game posts, and they even have a competition encouraging what I class as spam-rubbish-double-double-rubbish-posts).

I was told that they wont be swapping links with us as they don't agree with 100% of the things said on here.

I had to laugh (and actually swore in my reply email) as a forum actually means BY DEFINITION; open discussion.

You may not agree with 100% of the things on here, and I REALLY HOPE YOU DON'T AGREE WITH IT ALL - as then I wouldn't have a forum, as there would be no discussion - as we'd all agree. What's the point in that?

I set this up (and a couple before this) to ensure that the nation had a place to chat Tile. I expected some to not like the fact that things said by some members may not be the same opinion is all others - but you would expect that wouldn't you? It's a forum after all.

I just wanted to point this out - I won't name and shame the said DIY forum. But I'd like you all to understand that this forum has the backing of some really big names in our field (and in business generally - I always boast CTD Tiles which is a Saint-Gobain company - I've researched into Saint-Gobain as part of a business studies course at School believe it or not).

I have the backing of these people BECAUSE there are things said on here that are not correct. Because we're educating the nation, and that's a benefit to the sponsors and our forum members. And you know I like win:win situations.

I hope you all have a good think about that. And I hope if you do find the DIY forum that you'll laugh at them out loud or quitely.

All the best to them with that. I hope they do well, but I suspect they'll just keep clocking up joke posts and they clearly must have trends they adhere to and they mustn't understand the meaning of forum.

The link is here to the Oxford Disctionary's definition of it which should clear that up.

And just incase you can't find that link here's the definition;

noun ([SIZE=-1]pl.[/SIZE] forums) 1 a meeting or medium for an exchange of views. 2 [SIZE=-1]chiefly N. Amer.[/SIZE] a court or tribunal. 3 ([SIZE=-1]pl.[/SIZE] fora) (in ancient Roman cities) a public square or marketplace used for judicial and other business.
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can't seem why they would not agree with us am a professional poster

quality before quantity
We're even helping to educate the nation with little literacy lessons...tune in next week for a new definition 😉 :hurray:
Spot on :thumbsup: As I said a few minutes ago in a post, though with different wording:

I believe we're here to educate those with less experience, as far as we are able; not to pass judgement.

I never 100% agree every time but always willing to listen to other points of discussion
sWe [B said:
I believe we're here to educate those with less experience, as far as we are able; not to pass judgement.[/B]


nicked for my dan sez...very wise words marcus....


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