That is deception in my eyes; surely he can only do this on fairly small jobs? As materials can run into hundreds/thousands quite quickly. How does he get round to the customer "oh didn't you know we need 20 tile backer boards, 10 bags of slc etc etc"?. If I was the customer I would be pretty angry that a professional should think I know what is needed.
I still win 80% of my quotes (down from about 90%) and I am far from cheap. I’m not even the middle quote; I would think I’m near top end. I haven't lowered my pricing either. Some of this will be down to recommendations but most of it is down to honesty. I give the customer every single bit of information available to be able to make an informed choice. People are much more savvy nowadays and I do not take them for fools. I list all materials (including brand names) over £5 (anything under goes under Misc. or sundries). EVERYTHING is itemised, if it's something like a decorating quote I list every single coat of paint that will be applied! And I even tell them if something is not included that may be necessary depending on what we find and how much it may cost. So that when I give my estimate I also tell them that in order to accept the quote they need to bear in mind that it may rise to x amount if we find xyz. Everybody knows what is included and what is not, no argument. Hell, if there is part of a job we can do but are not set up to do, I tell them I happy to included it in my estimate but I can’t be competitive because other firms have the guys to do it on the books (for example Bricklayers, I’m taking extensions here not dwarf walls)
It also goes a long way to educating the customer how much work is involved in a job they may perceive as simple and quick, when it's listed like this they are shocked.
I know they look at my quote that can be pages long and put it next to somebody else’s that is a one line "we'll do it for x amount" and it puts doubt in their mind in what the other person is and isn't doing for that money and what the quality of the materials is they will be using.
I also spend far more time at the job when quoting than anybody else, going through all the different options, the costs involved and what level of finish they want (Perfect faultless finish, pleasing to the eye or just a plain freshen up), this way you give them a price suited to their budget. It also makes it easy to build a rapport with the client and for them to see how passionate and professional your firm is. They know a lot more about me and the team than the guy who was in and out within 5 mins. I would guess my prices are 15-20% higher than the competition but people are happy to pay for peace of mind.
It has to be said that my quotes rarely take less than 2 hours for a simple quote and larger 25K+ jobs can take a few days to put together so this does have admin costs attached but winning such a high percentage and charging more means, I effectively get paid for quoting.