Rogue Traders!

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Do you remember Carpys job, the shower room with black grout everywhere.

The guy that done that belongs to one these trade bases, can't remember which one though
Do you remember Carpys job, the shower room with black grout everywhere.

The guy that done that belongs to one these trade bases, can't remember which one though

There are many 'trade bodies' out there, taking decoratating for example you'll find about 10 and all but two of them come out and inspect your work (Dulux being one) the rest just charge a fee for letting you use the logo so aren't worth a ...., You can set one up tomorrow and start selling logo's it's llike anything else the customer still has to check out who is backing the work as there are 'rouge' bodies about just like tradesmen

It would be worth while carpy finding out which one and prosecuting them.
Did mention that but still waiting for him to give the guys time to get their own report sorted
Did mention that but still waiting for him to give the guys time to get their own report sorted

Do you mean the customers or the cowboys? If it's the cowboys then I think they've had long enough! what has it been? about a month?
i think its check a trade

No way!!!!!!:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes: If it is then they would have a very real chance of getting some money off them, i've never really liked check-a-trade but as far as these firms go they certainly aren't the worst out there
ahh the small print from check-a-trade

All users do hereby expressly agree not to hold Checkatrade (or Checkatrade's agents, representatives, advertisers or employees) liable for any instruction, advice or services delivered which originated through the Web Site or associated Services and Checkatrade expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any damage, suits, claims, and/or controversies that have arisen or may arise, whether known or unknown therefrom.

Still I think it's worth a punt as check-a-trade wouldn't want the bad publicity


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