doug boardley
aaah you've got me at a disadvantage already, never used a "pull" cutter
aaah you've got me at a disadvantage already, never used a "pull" cutter
You might need something for the small cuts, something that does it wet and don't forget the rubbing block, esential for keeping it sharp
thanks, im definatly taking the tub stuff back and changing it for the powder
ok will go on e bay now and take a look at them, never even heard of them before so need to learn. my tile cutter is in our house in India, we took it out in Oct, never finished the 7th bathroom, so left it their, but when we got home to the uk decided to do the bathroom here, thats why we need to buy one, im thinking maybe some web sites cant be dispayed on here, but if you can work this out take a look at my wifes tiling in Inda w w w . s t e v e h o l e . p i c z o . c o m being we live near th e Jungle Indians use sand and cement to tile with with just cement and water as the adhesive..very differentDont forget to check out the SIGMAS :smilewinkgrin: