sat/sun 2:20 am today..

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Just a question, the martial arts are fine in a given situation but what about the real world when some nutter is trying to batter the brains out of you.
Just a question, the martial arts are fine in a given situation but what about the real world when some nutter is trying to batter the brains out of you.

Martial arts are there firstly to control yourself, your own temper. And keep yourself safe. If that is not an option to use the opponents force against themselves...similar to pulling a door open when it is being pushed from the other side. And only to use any kind of injury inflicting method as a last resort.

That kind of training can make your reactions faster and wiser, buying you valuable time and stopping you losing your head and or your temper. Best of all it teaches you to recognize those kind of triggers that get you really annoyed.. and deal with them. So it becomes an art of self development.

But martial arts intrinsically have the history of young men being trained for warfare when life expectancy was of no importance, neither were training insuries as you weren't expected to live that long anyhow.

You'd have to be awfully experienced to cope with the unexpectedness of an attack, with knives and a gang of guys who are more than happy to pile in.

Battle of wits - all the way.
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i had a scuffle last year in town in subway i was propa P*ssd though this bloke about 40 year old said i pushed in and was being quite aggressive towards me i was on my own anyway i stood my ground and offered the bloke out before i went to whack him i got arrested in the older bloke claimed i started it at the time i was 19 and received a nice 80 pound fine i usually now avoid trouble for the simple reason its swarming with police nowadays not worth spending my hard earned cash on fines

but i must say some people do deserve it
the beautiful county of OXFORDSHIRE land of kings, warriors ,poets, tilers, but now i live in wales land of rugby,culture,beautiful women, sheep, but i work nation wide :hurray:


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