forget the PVA, completely ,use SBR as per the makers instructions, and use tile primers where recommended by adhesive maker recommendations and in the correct dilutions as per makers directions
I.E Do exactly as it says on the tin, bottle, packet etc.
As like some others have asked. Where exactly did you do this tiling course that advised you to use PVA? Without going into too much detail PVA is a no because it never "sets" so to speak. If you PVA a wall, wait for it to dry, dampen your finger and touch it the PVA coat become ssticky right? What's basically happening is the moisture on your finger is re-activating the PVA. It never dries solid on the wall or soaks completely into it.
Soon as you put wet adhesive on the wall the same thing will happen. So effectively your fixing tiles to a floating coat of PVA and it's not bonding to the wall itself.
Hope that makes sense. I could go into detail etc but in a nutshell, that's it. Use the correct products for the job and you won't go far wrong. PVA is basically a glue and not a primer.