Schlüter®-REMA ( access panels.)

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Schlüter-REMA is the ideal system for creating concealed access panels in tiled wall coverings.

Schlüter-REMA’s installation is independent of tile size and thickness and enables exact matching of the access panel to the overall joint design. Thus, panels that access electrical or plumbing components, for example, do not spoil the visual appearance of the tiles.

  1. First, adhere an aluminium bracket to the back of each perimeter tile with tile adhesive so that the magnet extends beyond the tile’s edge.
  2. Set tiles with the magnets attached as perimeter limits, so that four magnets extend into the access opening.
  3. To form the access panel cover, connect the corresponding number of tiles by attaching a tile to their backs with tile adhesive.
  4. Using Silicon, adhere the counterplates to the back of the panel cover in alignment with the perimeter magnets.
  5. After the Silicon has cured, install the cover and seal the surrounding joint with a colour co-ordinated sealing compound.

Schlüter-REMA assembly kit consists of four aluminium brackets with moulded casings containing magnets clamped to lateral, moveable guide shoes, and four ferromagnetic metal counterplates.​

Material Properties and Areas of Application:
Schlüter-REMA is suited for creating concealed access panels in wall coverings. If the access opening is substantially larger than 30 cm x 30 cm, it may be necessary to install two additional magnets.​

Had these things when i first started a few years ago when you was at school Dave :lol:
:thumbsup: nice one dave,got a bath panel to tile at the weekend and the customer was at me to drill holes in the tiles but know i shall hit customer with this idea
can try cutting a hole in the backer board/ plaster board 20 mm smaller than the full tile/s and Silicon the joint easy to cut out if you need to,:grin: hard to see and very cheap
I'm sure I've used something similar but was meant to be for something else. And I'm pretty sure it was B&Q I had them from. I think they were for some cupboard doors or something but they did the job in a similar way.

Thanks For The Advice , Simple Idea And Its Going To Look Much Better Than Having Screws All Over The Place. Cheers
Ive used REMA. They're dead good and impressed the customer. Theyre only about £5-£6 for the four.

missy T


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