Self leveling problem

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Hi all. I don’t really post, I get all my info usually from just searching.

I have just attempted to self level my living room and hall way.
I’m just after advice as it’s hasn’t exactly “ gone well “
I used mapei 3240. Mix to what the bag said. Left it couples minutes. Remixed.
I poured it, trowel it around into the corners and pulled from hall to living room.

What I appear to have ended up with is a nice grey cement looking floor with low points.
I tired last night mixing up the last bit of the bag and even out the big dip in the middle ( the lighter grey in the photo ).

Before I go and buy more - I was going to get self level that will do 1-10mm.
Mix it up and try just hit the dips.
Is this going to work? Or am I just adding more issues to an already s*** job.

But also, is there something I did wrong to begin with? This was a concrete floor that was actually pretty flat. I’m laying wood flooring but needed to raise the floor to match the kitchen finished floor level.

The blue marker paint is were I see the Biggest dips.
I have about 25sqm of extension and kitchen to level next for tiling and I don’t want to be in the same situation.

Thanks in advance


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