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hey guys,i have been tiling for a few months now and for the first time came over an uneven concrete floor,having read another thread the guy said 2 use a self-leveler,what is a self leveler,never heard of it(excuse my nube ignorance)is it a tool or a method,thanks any help much appreciated.
Like everything, its down to using the item on a regular basis and getting to know the limits. Also finding a product you are happy with. I rarely have problems with SLC.

Self leveler m8 is a cement powder product you add water stire it up untill its an even consistancy. It needs to be pourable obviously. When fully mixed pour it into the hollows you have, as it pools the compound in the mix settles to level.


i did a concrete floor for the first time last week,not as easy as i thought it was going to be,tended to over trowel, so if i get another one im going to try the spiked roller method,jst to see if that is any better.
im afraid there are more peeks than hollows,someone has done a crap repair job in umteen places,thanks for the imfo though,thankyou.
Yeah i love slc, its cool to watch it merge into nothingness, like custard settling when mixed right, work in 1mtr depths and layer if you need to at around 4-5mm at a time. It can take about 4 hours to set before building it up. And i recommend leaving it for a full 24 hours to dry out well, maybe even longer.
Rab, surely the method of application and drying times depend on what SLC you use, area size, thickness, environment, etc.

Personally, I think it's better to chose an SLC meant for up to 30mm thickness if that's what I need, instead of pouring, for example, three 10mm layers with an SLC meant for 10mm. That way, the uniformity of the SLC curing and density is more or less guaranteed. Applying layers can't guarantee that, especially if you pour the layers too soon after another. That can lead to serious complications with many SLCs, such as cracking and delamination of the SLC layers.

IMHO, the single best piece of advice that can be given to anyone who wants to use SLC, or any product for that matter, is to read the product specs, and instructions, and follow them. Liability you know...


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