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Hi, not really sure which section to post this in so apologies if this should have gone somewhere else....I know it's a fairly commonly asked question but I need to level out a downstairs bathroom floor (concrete) and was looking for some advise/reassurance (as this is a DIY situation) that I could ultimately use self levelling compound to level & cover the old bitumen adhesive.....

Story so far....

Stripped back old flooring (Lino), which they revealed some old Marly tiles which I carefully removed (as I know they may contain Asbestos), double bagged and disposed of up the local tip. This has left some black, bitumen-like substance on the concrete floor (see pic) which I have tried to remove mechanically but it's a complete nightmare to remove. Really don't have the time/budget to grind out so was hoping I could do the following:

1. Tidy up floor as best as possible, remove any loose materials etc.
2. Make SBR / Slurry mix and paint over floor area (ensuring fully covering Bitumen adhesive) - leave to dry
2. Pour over SLC (I have already bought Mapei Renovation Screed as it had been highly recommended to me) and leave to go off....

Any thoughts? Cheers

Sounds like your plan is spot on. You don't need the slc to make it ready to tile, the slurry will do that, unless of course the floor needs levelling
Great, thanks for the reply.

Floor def does need levelling too.....

Do you have to be careful about the SLC touching the existing plaster (as this comes down pretty much to the level of the existing concrete in places)..... wasn't sure if it might draw the moisture up the wall....?

I was planning on putting some kind of temporary barrier over the door threshold but do I need to run something similar round the edge of the room to prevent this? Or am I being overly cautious?!



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