I could use some help from everyone! The floor mosaic tile was recently retiled over a tile-redi base but the affected material (pictures attached) was not changed. The stone appears to be soaked or wet with water. I have a few theories about what could be going on here but could use input from those who are more familiar with tile:
The stone has scratches in it so I suspect it's marble. Any insight and guidance would be much appreciate, thanks all!
- All grout in the shower was sealed. I've heard of sealers 're-activating' prior sealant solutions. Since I was intending to seal the grout, I wonder if the stone sealant could have been removed as I wiped the surface down around the grout lines.
- The 'baseboard' was previously just grouted on top. Since the grout fell apart soon after moving in, I grouted behind the big tile piece and siliconed over the top to prevent water from getting into the gap behind that large piece of stone. Perhaps moisture from the bottom grout is getting trapped behind the stone if the Silicon is sealing up the top.
- Poor grouting in the corners. This seems unlikely since the prior grout was in shambles and likely allowing water to get under that stone.
The stone has scratches in it so I suspect it's marble. Any insight and guidance would be much appreciate, thanks all!