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Last night i spent around 2 hours hurling my belly lining down the U bend. At one point i think i tried to bring up my manhood. Woke up this morning feeling like i'd been kicked around the street by a gang of 10 skineads. Through the sickness and the pain though, all i could think about was mr & mrs X's Kitchen that i was meant to start in the morning, and how if i phoned them to cancel it would a) look un professional and b) would put me behind on the other 2 jobs i have planed for the week. Come 7 30 am it was clear that there was no way i was going to be able to work today so i phoned mrs X and explained. She could hear imediatley that i was not lying and even offerd to put the tiling off until next week, which i declined and assured her i would be there early tomorrow morning. Ths is the first time i have had to put off work through being ill, and to be honest i was really stressing trying to work out a way around things. Just wondered how the rest of you deal with being i'll in the trade? Do you work through all illness no matter what ?( i can imagine concept doing this:) ) Do you get someone in to cover for you? or do you like me hope the customer will be undersanding and try and jugle things around?

:eek: :eek: :cry_smile: :cry_smile:


There's no real way around it mate...the customer would probably be a bit pissed off that u were a 'no show', but to try and do the job when u'r ill, your head would be up u'r arse anyway cos u didn't want to be there.
Best to bite the bullet & take a couple of days to recover, then do the absolute best job you can. The danger is you push it, make yourself worse and end up having even more time off while at the same time, screw the jobs up cos u'r not upto it.
If you have someone you trust you could send them on day 1 to do some of the prep work, even if it's only half a day the customers time off hasn't been a complete waste.


Maybe you could get a doctors note to take her when you do turn up,lol.
No seriously mate I'd let her know at the earliest oppurtunity,just tell her you don't feel up to it at the moment but you don't know how you'l feel in the morning and if you do feel alright you'll turn up.It all depends on if she has to stay in especially for you.Personally I'd rather you gave me the notice so I could plan my day.Maybe you could tell her you can do it next week when you'll be fighting fit(other work permitting).:icon9:


This is only a suggestion, so don't all jump on me at once...when you are feeling better and do get round to her tiling, perhaps as a goodwill gesture you knock say £50 or whatever off her bill for the inconvenience. I have never been in you situation wivers but if the only thing you are worried about is damaging your reputation then this might just help, customercare can g a long way, what do you guys think...good idea or bad idea?


This is only a suggestion, so don't all jump on me at once...when you are feeling better and do get round to her tiling, perhaps as a goodwill gesture you knock say £50 or whatever off her bill for the inconvenience. I have never been in you situation wivers but if the only thing you are worried about is damaging your reputation then this might just help, customercare can g a long way, what do you guys think...good idea or bad idea?

It is a good idea, but don't fall into the trap of being 'TOO' sorry... the customer's have bad days too:happy:


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK

Hope you're feeling a bit better now. It happens to all of us. I've broken fingers at work and finished the day off moving adhesives around and then the next day come in with a plaster cast on my arm and still finished the work off. I've also gone in work with many illnesses and then come home as I was useless.

I think sometimes you may as well sit at home trying to sweat it out fast rather than busting your balls and achieving nothing or very little. But myself I always seem to go in and do what I can, it bugs me to sit and do nothing.

I think you tend to get used to shifting your jobs around a day here and there even when you're not off due to illness. So generally if you need to borrow a day to try and get better then it is sometimes possible. Just try not to plan your jobs in too fixed all the time. Have a few half dayers and 1 dayers around the same time every other month or something and those days are easy to gain and loose at weekends if you need to for whatever reason, illness or delay on an existing job.


High lads/lasses. Thanks for the posts. ang the customer last night and explained that if i felt better i would ring in the morning and start the job. Went to bed last night feeling sure i was gonna die in my sleep and so thought through my last will, ( In wich i left Mr leatherface my large collection of gimp memorabilia, Varley my blue peter badge, and Con...... my Mrs!) At around 3am i woke up in a ringing wet T-shirt and seemed to have lost half my body weight, (no i hadn't wet myself and lost a leg!) Woke up again at 5 ish wet again (through sweat!!) then slept through till 8 30am. When i got up to take a slash i actually felt a bit better. no belly ache, no headache, no groggy dizzy feeling and no sh**s. I decided to phone the customer and told them i was gonna be round in about an hour, but if i felt bad again i would have to leave. Arrived at the customers house nocked on the door and was greeted by "Oh my god you do look deadful!!" To which i though "not as bad as you'll look in a minute now let me in fatty!!" The customer told me they really would'nt mind if i have to go home, which was nice of them considering they had booked the day off. Started tiling the kitchen at around 10 30 ish stopped stopped at 12 ish to honk all over the garden wall and nearly all over the damn stupid cat that didn't run off even though it see me heaving its way. Managed to get the tiles up by 3 00 and then made a quick exit as i thought i was gonna pass out and i had corked my butt hole from about 2 ish with the cat (that bit aint true...... i used the goldfish). ll in all i managed to get what i wanted to do done... would i do it again NO! Next time i'll take some of your advice and take 1 more day out coz now i feel like **** again and my mrs thinks i just want a load of simpathy and a back rub. Where do they get these ideas from ehhhh? ;)
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