F Flintstone Feb 16, 2017 #21 Going for this one P C Cox Sealant & Adhesive Dispensing Gun - http://www.screwfix.com/p/p-c-cox-sealant-adhesive-dispensing-gun/4379H?kpid=KINASEKPID&cm_mmc=GoogleLocal-_-Datafeed-_-Sealants%20and%20Adhesives&cm_mmc=Google-_-Product%20Listing%20Ads-_-Sales%20Tracking-_-sales%20tracking%20url&gclid=CNjZ2OKolNICFYEaGwodiUsOwg
Going for this one P C Cox Sealant & Adhesive Dispensing Gun - http://www.screwfix.com/p/p-c-cox-sealant-adhesive-dispensing-gun/4379H?kpid=KINASEKPID&cm_mmc=GoogleLocal-_-Datafeed-_-Sealants%20and%20Adhesives&cm_mmc=Google-_-Product%20Listing%20Ads-_-Sales%20Tracking-_-sales%20tracking%20url&gclid=CNjZ2OKolNICFYEaGwodiUsOwg
S sasho TF Feb 16, 2017 #22 I use OX Professional for 2 years and I'm quite happy.As far as I know Tajima is good as well
P Pro Tiler Tools Feb 16, 2017 #23 I always liked using these: Power Pro Sealant Gun C4 SGNEWPOWER | Buy Siliconing (Mastic) Online from Pro Tiler Tools - http://www.protilertools.co.uk/siliconing-mastic/1655/power-pro-sealant-gun-c4-sgnewpower We still use these as we also fit mirrors on new build sites. They have lasted a few years and they get abused as mirror mastic is tough ole stuff 🙂 Sam
I always liked using these: Power Pro Sealant Gun C4 SGNEWPOWER | Buy Siliconing (Mastic) Online from Pro Tiler Tools - http://www.protilertools.co.uk/siliconing-mastic/1655/power-pro-sealant-gun-c4-sgnewpower We still use these as we also fit mirrors on new build sites. They have lasted a few years and they get abused as mirror mastic is tough ole stuff 🙂 Sam