Silicon Outside?

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Thanks guys :thumbsup:

I'll let him know siliconing is a good place to start.

I'll let you know if he needs a team of tilers to investigate :smilewinkgrin:
Silicon first and if that fails I think you may need a whole team of experts to fly over.

A second opinion is never enough :lol::8:
I think you will find that that the grout hasnt washed away but has disentegrated due to movement

this is a symptom not the cause
Most roof terraces in Spain and Portugal, especialy on houses sold to foreigners as holiday homes are badly constructed, not tanked and eventualy leak the reasons given by the builders is that it dosent rain enough to warrent doing it properly well with the worst and wettest Winter in living memory still ongoing in Spain and Portugal they are wishing they done it properly now.You will probably find that the skirting tiles are sat straight on the floor tiles, normal practice here, so the grout has just been wiped over which eventualy comes away and allows the water in. If this is the case take them of and replace with new but sitting them on a 2 or 3 mm spacer so you can get a good bead of sillicone in it, failing that rip it up and do the job properly.


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