slate tiles (high gloss seal looks dull)

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Hi, i'm in need of some advice,

I have a victorian tiled hallway and have cleaned it with HG Remover and

then when it was fully dried applied a good coat HG impregnating sealer

(HG impregnator) and then when it was fully dried applied two coats a

small area with HG satin gloss polish (HG golvpolish).

It's not given me the Gloss look I wanted.

Where did I go wrong?

Which product would make it look very highly polished? Do I need to actually polish the floor or is it more like a varnish?

Any help would be very welcomed.


Hi and welcome..

Did you remove any excess impregnator before it dried on the tiles..And can you tell us exactly what tiles you have sealed..?
Evening, thanks for coming back so quickly,

the floor looks like this and is as old as the house i.e Victorian

Victorian mosaic hall restoration

I went to allot of effort cleaning it over a long weekend,

I followed the instructions which included removing excess impregnator before it dried and didn't go over board with it.

I did a very small amount of HG Satin Gloss, but feel like starting again as it's such a nice looking floor.


Personaly i woudn't use an acrylic sealer like golv on it as they are classed as vitrified and absorb very little sealer... i like the natural look....

The wear on these type of sealers is too fast for high traffic area's.... I just normaly use a suitable penetrating sealer and thats it..
But any idea how I'd achieve the high gloss look?

Me and the lady both agree the floor looks great just after it's been moped before it dries.

A colour intensifyer would give it more depth... but have not glossed one of those floors before...

I have passed you quiery onto our resident victorian expert...John..:thumbsup:


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