I've being reading this site for a bit now, trying to get my head around everything I should/shouldn't do whilst using slate tiles in my kitchen. It's all been really helpful and 'thank you' to all of you, unfortunately just as I thought I had it all sorted I've run into a problem!
Went to Topps yesterday and bought residue remover, sealer & cleaner (all fila). I was told in store that I should use the residue remover then the sealer (and the cleaner is to be used in the future when cleaning the kitchen). Is this correct?
I've read on here that I should seal before tiling and after grouting. If I do it that way, once the tiles have been fitted and I want to clean any stray adhesive off should I use the residue remover or the cleaner?
Thank in advance for your help.
I've being reading this site for a bit now, trying to get my head around everything I should/shouldn't do whilst using slate tiles in my kitchen. It's all been really helpful and 'thank you' to all of you, unfortunately just as I thought I had it all sorted I've run into a problem!
Went to Topps yesterday and bought residue remover, sealer & cleaner (all fila). I was told in store that I should use the residue remover then the sealer (and the cleaner is to be used in the future when cleaning the kitchen). Is this correct?
I've read on here that I should seal before tiling and after grouting. If I do it that way, once the tiles have been fitted and I want to clean any stray adhesive off should I use the residue remover or the cleaner?
Thank in advance for your help.