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Seen the Genesis guys at a recent trade show, they looked liked they wanted to run for the door when questioned about the G-MAT and claimed to know nothing about it or why they didnt have any with them although they had every othe genesis product including flooring products at a tile trade show?????? not good.

Are all these membranes not produced in the sane factory? and if so why did dural cough up?

When was the floor layed Alan and where was the matt purchased?


i hope youre not including me in that Ajax <inserts emoticon>

So much to update on my own floor failing thread but will have to wait a couple of days till we get some results back from the mapei lab and I can put up some photos (but in v short patches of adhesive under the lifted (broken up) tile appeared damp, lots of it had separated cleanly from the tile pieces, PVA primer had lifted off screed and didnt look healthy....

Oh dear not PVA :thumbsdown:


pva ???????

Unfortunately so.

Main contractor (builder developer) & subcontractor (tiler) now trying the line that PVA was used because no primer was specified or supplied by myself or tiling supplier!!

Despite it being written clearly on every bag of Mapei keraquik (adhesive agreed upon between all parties beforehand) and us agreeing beforehand for the bathrooms they've fitted during the same project that they were to provide the appropriate materials and i'll pay for them. Tiler reckons its not a requisite for him to know product suitability, or flag up any conflicts as he just provides the labour. :thumbsdown: Do they genuinely think that us customers are that gullible????

This one will run and run...


Is he having a laff..?

Of course it is up to the fixer to determine suitability, he/she is the one who is offering a guarantee that their work will stay put ffs..

Never heard such tosh in all my life..:(

me too!

Its soooo hard to bite my tongue atm, but im biding my time and (thanks to some very good advice on here) putting the pieces of my case together. Pieces are falling into place from my side. will feedback soon.

Time's Ran Out

You had one fail John..?.. What did CTD have to say...?.. They are still selling it as well.?

The job was 15 months ago and I'am assuming the old style mat, Client contacted me within the last 3 months and on inspection its crinkling when you walk on it. As per others when I contacted Genesis direct - only a supply problem - and until I give them a report they will not send anyone out to view. Hence it will be in the hands of the supplier now! CTD. We still use the new grey G mat and so far no issues apart from the nice lady at Genesis asking why I'am only informing them now. As the client does not want any upheaval near Xmas, we'll just go and repair asap and fight the cause later.


I had some news on this the other day,one of the companies supplying this mat has tried to get some claim forms submitted to the factory in Germany which makes it, the Germans are not budging on paying out any claims unless the tiles come away from the mat or tiles break/crack as their argument is the mats may have decoupled from the fleece but the installation will not fail and they claim the crunching will eventually stop ,the distributor I spoke to is giving away a resin made by Mapei free of charge as a good will gesture but say its down to the fitters to inject the resin themselves
had same issue with this mat, company who sold mat took responsibility for it and agreed to repair it with resin injection system, so they send some guy and he drilled through installed electric heating mat underneath Gmat, drilled in so many places that it's not impossible to repair now, floor is 50 m2, so now that floor have to come up anyway, but expensive kitchen been installed already on top of the tiles, we trying to get this guys liability insurance involved, but so far it's been nightmare...

kiwi Mark

Hi guys was on here this time last year with this same problem ( Dural mat ) thought I was fighting a lost cause no one could help me but I must say Dural were great and came out spent 3 days with client injecting the resin and sorting everything out.I only had to go back for a little re grouting which I thought was a small price to pay for all that lost sleep.They did say Genisis were desperate to know what and how this resin system worked so they have known about this for a while and for the likes of CTD to be still selling old stock is shocking.
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