the little monty from tradetiler!

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have been looking for a new cutter and couldnt make my mind up do i stick with the rail cutter im used to or do i go for the montolit so i bought a little monty £30 from tradetiler it only cuts 200mm max length but it is brilliant i will use it for splashbacks light as a feather and it cuts brilliant very accurate no more pulling out the big one to do small jobs this will sit on a worktop no probs 330mm overall length it really is a little still looking for a big cutter too and i might go for the big monty the only concern i have is im used to seeing were the cut line is your more restricted with the monty but i might be converted even with this problem!:thumbsup:
have been looking for a new cutter and couldnt make my mind up do i stick with the rail cutter im used to or do i go for the montolit so i bought a little monty £30 from tradetiler it only cuts 200mm max length but it is brilliant i will use it for splashbacks light as a feather and it cuts brilliant very accurate no more pulling out the big one to do small jobs this will sit on a worktop no probs 330mm overall length it really is a little still looking for a big cutter too and i might go for the big monty the only concern i have is im used to seeing were the cut line is your more restricted with the monty but i might be converted even with this problem!:thumbsup:

this is some tiles scored on my TX 1200N, the score lines are clearly visible as you can see:thumbsup:

i bought a limited edition monty last year,great wee cutter but on friday when i pulled it out of box and set the guide up the guide stop was broke !!! now this one will cut a 330 tile no it though but need new stop quick.although i then pulled in my sigma 3B and she cut the mosaics better!!!!!!


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